With donations received in the year 2018 Help Me! Projects has planned to assist in areas of Education and Health.
Help Me! Projects promises to provide:
​Food for the school children of Kiran Foundation in Lyari, an extremely under-resourced area marginalized by poverty ad violence. The food is given to kids through a food bazar program which is run on a quarterly basis. The food is child-based and is nourishing.
Kiran Foundation Lyari, Karachi, a school started about 12 years ago by the founder Sabina Khatri in response to the overwhelming scenario of terrorism and gun violence and a population caught in the cycle of poverty. Kiran Foundation School's goal is to prepare children from Lyari to become Harvard material by preparing them to get admission into some top private English language schools alongside children from Karachi's tiny upper class.

Help Me! Projects promises to provide:
An infra red phototherapy incubator to treat newborn for jaundice in the emergency labour room of Civil Hospital.
Civil Hospital - Emergency labour department has only one machine to treat newborn babies for jaundice. Birth rate here is far too high to cope with just one machine resulting in a crisis situation. Doctors earnestly requested for this donation to relieve this desperate scenario.